Thursday, July 11, 2013

New Look

I am humbled by the recent attention to this blog.  Thank you, dear reader.

I hope you'll enjoy the new look.  I just went to a basic blogger layout.  There was some criticism about the template I used earlier because the background made the text hard to read.  I agree.  I hope this simple layout will be easier on your eyes.  It certainly is on mine!

Much has happened since April and I promise to update you soon.  It's a crazy week here because I started practicing some of what I preach.  I've returned to my roots in theatre and am in a show this weekend!  (I know!  Wow, huh?)

So, tell me to "break a leg," but don't wish me luck (that's a theatre no-no).  I'll see you all next week, Lord willin'.


  1. Thanks, Courtney! It's opening night. Starting to get those "good" nerves one gets before a performance. I'd almost forgotten.

  2. Ditto! Break a leg. So proud of you for doing "your thing." You encourage me to find a way to do mine.

  3. Thanks, CirclesofSeven. One performance down; three to go! It's been a lot of fun.

  4. I love acting! That's so awesome that you are making this priority, even with having so many kids to take care of! I'm new to your blog and would love to subscribe by email, but it says that function is disabled. Is it? Or am I not doing something right?

  5. Sarah - Thanks for visiting the blog! I'm so honored that you want to follow it. The follow by email function is working on this end. Perhaps your browser settings are disabling the function on your end? It is a java enabled function, so make sure your java program is not blocking it, or perhaps try to subscribe using a different browser than the one you normally use. I use Chrome (from Google) and it works okay.

  6. So proud of you! Love that you are getting your groove back on! Can't wait to see PHOTOS!


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