Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Self Care

I am relearning to take care of myself, to like myself whether some other individual likes me or not.  Getting beat up often and over and over again can take its toll.  It took its toll.  But in the basic nature of "flight or fight," I lean most firmly toward the fight.  So, I'm fighting back -- reclaiming me.  It is a process.  It is two steps forward, and sometimes one giant step back.  But it is.  Trauma and attachment issues take their toll.  Now I'm taking mine.

I think anyone reading this, should also read Christine Moers' blogpost HERE.

I also think anyone reading this should investigate tapping and EFT (emotional freedom therapy).  Don't knock it till you've researched it and given it a try.  Here's a video to give you a an idea of what I've been doing the past few mornings:

Then, after you've learned a little bit about what tapping is, try this video to start out.  It's done especially for care-givers.

Let me know what YOU think - but don't knock what helps someone else.

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